Category Archives: Observation And Feedback

(Svenska) Professionsutveckling genom grupputveckling och lönesamtal

Detta utvecklingsmaterial är framtaget av Daglig verksamhet i Enköpings kommun i samarbete med pedagogikforskare Ann S. Pihlgren. Materialet omfattar forsknings- och erfarenhetsbaserad modell för grupputveckling med en utvärderings- och utvecklingsmatris och en arbetsgång över året, som har prövats i verksamheten i samverkan mellan chefer, personal och forskare. Ta del av hela materialet här:

Professionsutveckling genom grupputveckling och lönesamtal

Complementary Education in Classrooms and Afterschool Programs


This paper analyzes how afterschool teachers and caretakers meet the demands for cognitive and creative development of students. Observations of lessons and sessions in afterschools (‘fritidshem’) for grade K-3 and staff interviews were used. The questions guiding the analysis concern what criteria are important when teaching thinking and creativity to students, how these are planned and represented in the activities, and how the results compare to the school analysis.  

Teaching thinking and creativity presupposes that the teacher plans, assesses, chooses activities and tools, and arranges the setting carefully, with focus on fostering students’ habits of mind. The contextual and communicational interactions play a vital part of support. Evidence of the anticipated criteria was difficult to ascertain in the observed classrooms and afterschools. However, a few teachers present successful models, and some schools present school and afterschool interaction to improve students’ thinking and creativity.

Key words: thinking, creativity, cognitive development, lesson planning, afterschools (fritidshem)

Read paper: Complementary education in classrooms and afterschool programs

See slideshow: Slideshow Complementary education in classrooms and afterschools

Feedback to staff as a developmental tool

Here is the material from my workshop in Singapore jan. 2013 on feedback to staff as a developmental tool. See slide show: 1. Enhance your teachers pedagogical development     2. Working with feedback as a tool      3. Methods for observation and feedback       Learning through interaction and student engagement – our matrix         Lesson plan and outcome Kims religion class        Matrix A and B       Opening discussion – Tillbergs classroom