We help schools to improve by using science and research
To develop and improve the daily work in school we help schools to use science and research:
- We help schools find and use relevant research and the latest findings on learning and education.
- We educate teachers and improve their teaching, by lectures, seminars, and process-based research methods.
- We develop new, research-based methods in cooperation with teachers and leaders.
- We conduct research-based assessments and research work.
Contact us to discuss the best way to develop your school.
What is “research-based”?
There is a call today for research- and evidence-based teaching methods in schools to improve practice. This means that the teaching methods used and the knowledge taught is proven effective by research, or that the methods are supported by teachers’ experience, have been tested for a long time, and have been assessed and documented. The teacher practice should be evidence-based. It’s based on the best reliable knowledge supported by systematic research conclusions and the best methods.
How is it done?
Research shows that there is a shortage of “practice-close” research that schools consider possible to use to improve practice in their classrooms. Research results don’t reach teachers and are not used by the teachers (Utbildningsutskottet, 2013).
Practice-close or close to practice teacher development means that if schools are to be able to use new findings, they have to have a structured plan for how knowledge should be collected, and how the organization can enhance a productive culture for using the findings. Teachers have to experience how the new knowledge meets a need in their classroom. To be informed is not enough to make a change, nor is appropriate teacher education. The teacher needs to practice in the classroom, to discuss, develop and refine in cooperation with other teachers in professional teacher teams, closely observing and learning from each other.
Ignite Research Institute works on long term projects with schools to build structures supporting ongoing improvement, and based on the latest findings. We support teachers’ development, using a set of different research based approaches that will emphasize the teacher profession. We also contribute by producing close to practice research in areas useful in classrooms and schools.