Category Archives: Fritidshem – After School Activities, Leisure Pedagogy

Pedagogisk planering på fritidshem – Ett verktyg för utveckling och synliggörande

Läs Rima Magnussons och Hediye Korkmaz självständiga arbete om pedagogiska planeringar på fritidshem: Pedagogisk planering på fritidshem Rima Magnusson & Hediye Korkmaz

Detta självständiga arbete handlar om pedagogisk planering på fritidshem. I detta arbete studeras pedagogisk planerings utformning och hur pedagogisk planering påverkar fritidshemsverksamhetens vardag. En forskningsfråga kommer att fokusera på vad pedagogisk planering innebär för pedagogerna och deras verksamhet.
För att belysa pedagogisk planering används fältstudier som forskningsmetod. I studien ingår fem fritidshemsavdelningar varav en av dem består av två förskoleklasser och en mellanstadieverksamhet. Det empiriska materialet består av kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer samt skriftlig dokumentation om pedagogisk planering. Denna studie går ut på att undersöka utifrån ett professionsteoretiskt perspektiv om pedagogisk planering uppfyller de utsatta målen och kraven för fritidshemsverksamhet. Intresset riktas mot att belysa pedagogernas1 (som består av fritidspedagoger, barnskötare och fritidsledare) och rektors utsagor om hur de förstår och uppfattar pedagogisk planering och hur pedagogerna använder sig av och upplever pedagogisk planering i det vardagliga arbetet. Studien visar att pedagogisk planering är ett viktigt verktyg för fritidshemmens verksamhet och att den formas av alla pedagoger som arbetar på fritidshem. Vidare kommer studien visa hur samspelet mellan sociala, kulturella och politiska faktorer influerar pedagogernas och skolledarnas agerande i frågan om synen på fritidshemmets pedagogik. Konsekvensen blir att en helhetssyn på vad fritidshemspedagogiken och pedagogisk planering innebär, tolkas och får olika dimensioner. Utifrån denna kunskapsbas och perspektiv får detta arbete titeln Pedagogisk planering på fritidshem – Ett verktyg för utveckling och synliggörandet

Complementary Education in Classrooms and Afterschool Programs


This paper analyzes how afterschool teachers and caretakers meet the demands for cognitive and creative development of students. Observations of lessons and sessions in afterschools (‘fritidshem’) for grade K-3 and staff interviews were used. The questions guiding the analysis concern what criteria are important when teaching thinking and creativity to students, how these are planned and represented in the activities, and how the results compare to the school analysis.  

Teaching thinking and creativity presupposes that the teacher plans, assesses, chooses activities and tools, and arranges the setting carefully, with focus on fostering students’ habits of mind. The contextual and communicational interactions play a vital part of support. Evidence of the anticipated criteria was difficult to ascertain in the observed classrooms and afterschools. However, a few teachers present successful models, and some schools present school and afterschool interaction to improve students’ thinking and creativity.

Key words: thinking, creativity, cognitive development, lesson planning, afterschools (fritidshem)

Read paper: Complementary education in classrooms and afterschool programs

See slideshow: Slideshow Complementary education in classrooms and afterschools

The “free” child – organized after school activities as the upbringning of a community

by Ann S. Pihlgren & Malin Rohlin
Stockholm University Stockholm University

Afterschool activities were introduced in Sweden to control begging and criminality among lower class children. Arbetsstugor (‘work cottages’) were the first of a series of institutions, with the objective to contribute to children’s moral education and readiness to work. The modern leisure- time center, fritids, is attended by most children age 6-9 years old, and is a part of the Swedish school system. This paper investigates the values and interests forming children’s time outside the compulsory school day when subject to attempted control. The written historical sources are combined with analyses of pedagogical intentions in the curricula of the era and of the prevailing view of children. The result shows that the way the pedagogical identity of the institutions was conceptualized was highly dependent on the governmental idea of what social problem it was intended to solve. This differs over time and hence – so does the pedagogical undertaking, leaving today’s fritids in a turmoil of contradictory influences. As these institutions were less subject to societal directives compared to the school curriculum, teachers had a heavy influence on the practical outcome of the fritids’ activities and these were also more susceptible to the current societal idea of what constitutes childhood.
Read the whole article at: The International Handbook of Cultures of Education Policy (Volume    One): Comparative International Issues in Policy-Outcome Relationships –    Achievement with Family and Community Involvement at: