Kategoriarkiv: Okategoriserade

Kvalitetskriterier i förskola och fritidshem

Falkenbergs kommun introducerade under 2016–2017 kvalitetsindikatorer för områdena läsa/skriva, matematik och lärandeidentitet. Kvalitetsindikatorerna används av personal inom förskola, förskoleklass och fritidshem för att utveckla undervisningen samt för att följa undervisningens resultat. Materialet är framtaget i samverkan mellan fil dr Ann S. Pihlgren och personal och ledare inom Falkenbergs kommun och bygger på forskning och beprövad erfarenhet. Detta är första delrapporten i det följeforskningsprojekt som är kopplat till arbetet med kvalitetsindikatorerna, och där effekter av undervisningen följs, analyseras och utvärderas. Följeforskningen genomförs av Ignite Research institute genom Ann S. Pihlgren på uppdrag av Falkenbergs kommun. Se rapporten: Delrapport 1 Falkenberg kvalitetsindikatorer 2018

Principals cooperating to assess classroom practice

Paper presented at the International Conference on Thinking 2013 in Wellington, New Zeeland:

There are several systematic ways of collegial learning directed towards teachers. However, there are few assessed methods concerning the principal’s classroom observations, and even fever of principal’s cooperating to develop methods. This paper relates the results from an ongoing study, focusing on principals working together to enhance pedagogical development by assessing teachers’ classroom practice through systematic observation and feedback. The research focuses on finding methods for the intended cooperation. A group of principals met in ten sessions over a year to develop and try out methods for classroom observations and feedback to observed teachers. The group of principals and the researcher gradually worked their way towards integration of practical experience, theoretical ideas, and goal orientation, resembling the methods of learning studies. The switching between the analytical, creative and producing group sessions with peers and supported by a researcher, and the practical testing by observing and giving feedback to teachers, proved to be an effective system to produce working tools that the principals found meaningful. The project altered the way the participating principals perceived observation and feedback as tools for pedagogical development, from being skeptical to seeing it as a vital development tool. The cooperative dialogue seems to have supported the integration of a deeper understanding of what are essential pedagogical qualities. There also seems to have been a fruitful parallel process when the principals met their teachers in feedback.  READ THE PAPER: Principals Cooperating to Assess Classroom Practice SEE SLIDE SHOW: Principals cooperating to Assess, A. S. Pihlgren